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Youth-led activism for Women, Peace and Security: looking for a paradigm shift | Cordaid
Women and Youth Exchanging Lessons for Peace and Security
Ep 1: Peace & Security: Where the Young Women At?
Engaging Women in Sustaining Peace: 20 years after UNSCR 1325
Feminist Human Security and Women's Actions for Peace and Empowerment
Women Beyond War - Our Legacy: Powerful Citizen-led Movements for Peace, Justice, and Equality
Ensuring Women's Meaningful Participation in the UN System (Full English subtitles)
Shifting Paradigms: The Role of Young People in Building Peace and Security
PeaceCon 2019: Women, Peace, and Security at 20 - Challenges and Opportunities (Breakout Session)
Youth: The Missing Peace
Critical considerations for youth agency in humanitarian settings
Women Enacting Human Security in the Midst of War: A CSW Parallel Event in Honor of Betty Reardon